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Exporting and Changing Parameter in a Method

In the following example we have three different kinds of parameters – importing, exporting & changing of the public method m_exp_chn. We mention the import parameter is the selection screen input parameter. We have declared two variables – v_exp & v_chn with values. Now we are calling the method with mentioning of exporting parameter – v_exp (0) & changing parameter – v_chn (1).

Inside the method m_exp_chn we have a DO – ENDDO loop for 10 times. It means the operation will continue for 10 times. Here we are multiplying the input with 1,2,3… 10 to have a table.


DATA: v_exp TYPE i VALUE 0,
      v_chn TYPE i VALUE 1.

*       CLASS cl_exp_chn DEFINITION
    METHODS m_exp_chn IMPORTING i_inp TYPE i
                      EXPORTING e_exp TYPE i
                      CHANGING  c_chn TYPE i.
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_exp_chn DEFINITION

*       CLASS cl_exp_chn IMPLEMENTATION
  METHOD m_exp_chn.
    DO 10 TIMES.
      e_exp = i_inp * c_chn.
      WRITE: / i_inp, '*', c_chn, '=', e_exp.
      c_chn = c_chn + 1.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_exp_chn
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_exp_chn IMPLEMENTATION

  CALL METHOD obj->m_exp_chn
      i_inp = p_inp
      e_exp = v_exp
      c_chn = v_chn.

Now at debugging level we see that e_exp & c_chn parameters change their values and at the same time the values of the variables v_exp & v_chn also change (The input parameter is 10).

The program generates the following output.

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